You are my serendipity


You are my serendipity, my favorite coincidence

What I didn’t expect but what I don’t want to let leave because my life wouldn’t be the same

You are my extraordinary serendipity, my magical side

Your whole world embraces me to make me feel the love

You appeared, no doubt, in my heart but it belonged to you since always

You are my serendipity, my inspiration

What I always prayed

You ‘re all the stars in my soul sparkle and this tender hug that I had always wished

You threw my shadows and fears out of my life bringing winds of change, winds of love

You are my sweet serendipity

Don’t leave me

Let me stay in your heart

I promise you not to make myself felt

I promise you too to love you unconditionally and completely with my whole heart and my whole soul till my eyes close and I could meet you in the eternity

Despite the deep silence

Despite …

My loving serendipity
